"But the hour cometh, and now is,
when the true worshippers shall worship the Father
in spirit and in truth:
for the Father seeketh such to worship Him."
John 4:23
Checking Our Bearings
     In the old days of ocean sailing, a small boy was traveling on ship-board with his father. About once a day the boy saw the captain stand on deck with sextant in hand, and, as they used to say, "shoot the stars." The boy said to his father, "Daddy, what is the captain doing?" His father replied, "The captain is taking our bearings, seeing where we are, finding out if we are going in the right direction."
     As a matter of fact, it is something of this kind that each of us is doing as we are in worship on Sunday's. We are checking in with God; we are seeing where we are; we are finding out about our directions in relationship to His will concerning our journey of life.
     We can so easily become confused or lose our way out there in the weekday world of days, and we need this checkpoint. Here, we touch base with the Lord of our life, and from Him we take our bearings for going on. We can deviate from the course and by winds and currents be carried far astray, unless from time to time we check in with God to set our course again.
Will you join your fellow Christians this coming Lord's Day as they assemble to honor His Name?
Your Father will be looking for you.

"Lord Dictated Them"


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