"This then is the message which we have heard
of him, and declare unto you,
that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.
If we say that we have fellowship with him,
and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:
But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light,
we have fellowship one with another,
and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son
cleanseth us from all sin."
1John 12:5-7
Our Ultimate Power Source
Have you ever felt like you were in the dark?
When I lived up North, back in 1966,
nine Northeastern states experienced the greatest
power failure in history.
I recall all of my family going to my grandparents
home where we had a large fireplace with a big
old black kettle of soup brewing,
and the lanterns dimly giving light throughout
the large living room.
The entire family had gathered together for
warmth and survival that cold, powerless night.
The power was out for days, and some people
were without it for much longer.
Traffic signals were out;
intersections were jammed with people trying
to get from one place to another;
and I remember reading about elevators in
some of the larger departments stores
being halted between floors, where people were
trapped in them for hours.
Operating rooms worked off back-up generators
and airplanes circled darkened landing strips.
Being a young teenager at the time,
my brothers, sister and cousins thought it was fun!
We popped popcorn and grandma made us
hot chocolate and we even roasted marshmallows.
We played card games and read stories
in the soft light the lantern gave off.
But this darkness was by far,
nothing in comparison to the darkness that
people walk in today.
Our Creator describes everyone who doesn't
walk with Him, as "being in darkness."
You can be in constant illumination from
external sources, but if you are not wired to God
through His Son, Jesus Christ,
you are living in an unending spiritual power failure!
Jesus is the Ultimate Power Source that will
guarantee that you will never be in the dark again!
So, may I suggest,
we all light up our lives by plugging into Jesus Christ,
our Ultimate Power Source!


"Lord Dictated Them"

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