"In the morning sow thy seed,
and in the evening withhold not thine hand:
for thou knowest not whether shall prosper,
either this or that,
or whether they both shall be alike good."
Ecclesiastes 11:6
Cycle of Life
    Have you ever really considered the cycle of life through the flowers of our gardens or perhaps the tiny ant who carries off a crumb of bread? How about the budding trees of Spring, or the Fall, as leaves change into beautiful colors? They're all here for a season, then gone for awhile, But . . . they always return.
This is their "Circle of Life."
    We, ourselves, have a life cycle also, though we seem to be unaware of it at times. Our daily lives are a routined cycle of life. We get up each day at approximately the same time; we have our coffee, eat, shower, and dress in a timely manner; we leave for our work journey in time enough to begin our work day; we travel home to a time spent with our loved ones.
For the majority, the cycle remains close knit with each and every day.
Now, think about the daily cycle of your life . . .
Are you content with it?
    No matter what our daily routine is, are we keeping in mind Who the Giver of each new day is? Who gives us the new opportunity each day to wake up and look at life with a new perspective?
    Do we wake up with a thankful heart and say,
"Good Morning, Lord!"
    Or is your attitude one of,
"Good Lord, it's morning!?"
    Every morning begins a new day for us. A new cycle! The beginning of another day provides opportunity for new challenges. It is God's way of opening a door for us to get a fresh start, to make a new beginning, to have another chance.
    No matter what we think or feel, no matter what we have done or left undone, without exception, God offers us His forgiveness. There is not a limit to that forgiveness~no end to those future chances.
    Always, God is ready to say,
"Try again. My grace surrounds you. I love you not because you do not fail, I love you despite your failures."
    Won't you look at your cycle in life today,
and look to God for direction?
"Truly the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is
for the eyes to behold the sun:
But if a man live many years,
and rejoice in them all;
yet let him remember the days of darkness;
for they shall be many.
All that cometh is vanity."
vs. 7-8

   "Lord Dictated"




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