"ARISE, shine: for thy light is come,
and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee."
Isaiah 60:1
Arise & Shine!
If you have ever gone camping in the woods, you will recall
the first scent which attracted your attention each morning.
The aromatic whiff of food cooking over an open flame,
and pot of coffee brewing, is a wonderful treat
to awaken our senses.
The savory smell of bacon and especially the fresh pot
of coffee, gently moves through the forest
and lingers overhead just long enough to rouse us
and produce a memory like no other.
It's been years since I've been camping,
but I still relive the experience from time to time.
It's a wake up call all campers fondly cherish.
Each of us has moments like these that provide a
scrapbook for memories past that are special to us.
These memorable times of pleasure linger in our minds,
such as the brewing of morning coffee in the woods.
The first call of the morning brings us into the new day
and helps to set the pace for the tasks ahead.
Could it be that as followers of Christ, we experience
wake-up calls in our lives that are for more than
just reminiscing?
Our wake-up calls, lessons learned, and roads traveled,
with God's help and presence,
can turn these experiences into opportunites
that allow God's loving plans for our lives to shine through
us to a lost and depraved world.
Isaiah shouted, "Arise, shine!"
Share the joy of knowing Christ with others.
There are many who would otherwise never awaken
to become a child of God
unless you share the joy of knowing Christ with them.
May we all be the aroma of Christ
as we start each new day in our Christian walk.


"Lord Dictated Them"



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